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English Gator Academy News

Once a week, twice a week, three times a week. Many of our students are deciding to take more than one lesson a week because they have realized that the only way to become more fluent at English conversation is by practicing it more than once a week. The only way you can become quite fluent at any language is by practicing it and using it as much as possible every day. Not only does speaking the language more helps you a lot, but also you learn many new things about the language, even things that native speakers of English do not know themselves. One thing is for certain, if those students keep practicing English conversation as they do, they will be able to master the language faster than others.

#EnglishGatorAcademy #深谷市英会話 #熊谷市英会話 #本庄市英会話 #イングリッシュスクール #埼玉 #スポーツ英会話 #楽しい英会話 #子供英会話 #英検 #オンライン英会話

※ 最新情報とブログは英語に書いてあります。日本語に読む時には必ずグーグル翻訳を使用をしてください。